
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Book Review: Heart of Stone

I just finished reading Heart of Stone by Jill Marie Landis on my Kindle app.  This is another ebook that I got for free as posted on the Books on the Knob blog.  (Please note that I do NOT recommend all of the books mentioned on that blog.  Many of them are not appropriate for Christians to read.)

This was a very compelling story about Lovie Lamonte (alias Laura Foster), an Irish woman who as a child was separated from her family.  Her parents died, and her uncle got rid of her and her three sisters.  She was sold to a brothel in New Orleans at the age of 11 years of age.  Her sister Megan was also presumably sold to a brothel, and her little sisters were sent to an orphanage to live.  After she becomes an adult, she accumulates a great deal of wealth, enough to allow her to move to Glory, Texas, and start over with a new life.

While reading the book, I was dying to know what became of her sisters.  At the end of the book, we are given a teaser indicating that the whereabouts of one of the sisters has been found out, to be continued in the second book of the series, Heart of Lies.  I didn't care too much for the developing romance between her and the preacher.  Although I totally believe in helping the "downers and outers" of past or present, the Bible clearly teaches that believers are not to be yoked with unbelievers.  Although Lovie/Laura does become more open to Christianity, she admittedly does not become a believer in this book.  It would've been a far better book, in my opinion, had she gotten saved before she and the preacher got together.

All in all, I enjoyed the book, and I am interested in reading the sequels.  The separation of the sisters reminds me of another book I read several years ago by Kim Vogel Sawyer called My Heart Remembers.  That was an excellent book!

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